Hello, Classmates!!
I am a 25 years old mom of a 5 years old child.
Sometimes accidents happen and this Saturday wasn't an exception.
My husband, my son and I went to have breakfast at the Hometown Buffet. I always help my son to get his food first and this time he chose a chicken leg and vegetables, then we went to sit down.
After that, I went to get my food. When I came back my son's face was red and he was making a lot of noise with his throat, and I saw that he was choking.
I was so scared and I looked around to see if somebody could help but nobody did anything.
I ran to the restroom and I bent my son over, then, I just hit my son's back but it didn't work. It only got worse, his face was purple!!! So, I told my husband, "Let's go to Children’s Hospital!"
Once we were at the hospital, the doctor took my son to the x-ray room and took some pics, of his throat, chest and stomach to see what kind of thing was stuck in there.
Obviously, my son, my husband and I were scared. Thank God everything was OK, but my son had to stay in the hospital 3 more days because his throat was hurt. I hope the doctor will discharge my son tomorrow and he will be at home soon.
Now, I'm writing from my brother's laptop at the hospital. Please excuse me, teacher. I don't think that I can go to school this week I have to take care of my son and I have the flu, also.
I will read the book to stay up to date.
Please, moms be careful with your children!!
Hi, Josie,
I am very happy that your son is OK. I am also a parent, so I have some idea of how you and your husband must have felt. It sounds like everything will work out.
Don't worry about missing class.
Do you think your son would enjoy listening to Trumpet of the Swan?
You could read it to him.
See you soon,
Hello Cassmates!!
I am a 25 years old mom of 5 years old child.
Sometimes accidents happen and this Saturday it wasn't the excepcion.
My husband, my son and I went to have breakfast at Hometown Buffet. I always help my son to get his food first and this time he chose a chiken leg and vegetables,then we went to seatdown.
After that, I went to get my food. When I back my son's face was red and he was making alot a noice with his throat, and I see that he was choking.
Iwas so scare and I look around to see if somebody can helps but no body can did nothing.
I ran at the restrooms and I bent my son, then, I just hit my son's back slowly but it does't work because gets worst, his face was purple!!!So, I told my husband: "Let's go to the Hospital".
Once we were at Hospital, the doctor get my son to the X-Ray's room and took some pics, from his throat, chest and stomach to see if what kind of thing was stack in there.
Obviously my son, my husband and I was scare. Thanks God everything was OK, but my son have to stay in the hospital more days because his throat is hurt. I hope the Doctor will discharge my son tomorrow and will be at home.
Now, I'm writing from my brother's laptop at the Hospital, please excuse me teacher I don't think that I can go to school this week I have to take care my son and I have flu also.
I will read the book to be update.
Please mom's be careful whit your children!!
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