Friday, June 22, 2007

Father's Day

Father’s Day

On Father’s Day was a bad day for my father-in-law. A few days before Father’s Day, his wife and he went to San Diego to visit their daughter’s family. They drove back to their house on Father’s Day. On the way, my mother-in-law wanted to stop in Santa Ana because she wanted to buy some Vietnamese food. But, my father-in-law didn’t want to. He wanted to get home quickly, so he didn’t stop. They arrived home at 2 pm. He dropped his wife at the front door to their house. Then, he drove away. He went to an apartment building that he owned. He fixed some things inside one of the apartments. After 20 minutes, he went outside to pick get some tools from his car, but he didn’t see his car. Somebody had stolen his car. He called the police immediately.

Now, Father’s Day is not my father-in-laws favorite holiday.

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