Wednesday, October 10, 2007

When I Was Child...

When I Was Child
Alberto Ortega Servin

I am remembering now that I learned to read as until 8 year old, but topic this story is about the different activities I make in the days the week and weekend. On Monday through Friday. When I went to school also I woke up at 7:00 am. So first activity was to milk the cows then my family sold this product (milk) other people of “El Tecuan” Town council “Penjamillo, Michoacán Mexico. Or other ranch called San Jose de Rabago of same Town council.
My family and I when we milked lot milk it was became in cheese this cheeses we ate in the lunch and also we drank of the milk with bread, sweet pumpkin and sweet potatoes on the morning and on the night as dinner.
Finish this activity I went to school with my cousin and friends we began the classes at 9:00 am and ended at 1:00 pm after school I brought my horses to drunk water I finishes this activity so I went to took care the cows on the field with my friends and relatives they took care their cows.
Where we other people have harvested of sorghum and corn. So there is enough pasture for the different animal as cows, horses and goats. It is main activity in my small town. When we harvested this product my father went to sell a La Piedad where, there are different companies collected of sorghum and corn. My father bought some toys for my brother and sister with this money.

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