Sunday, December 09, 2007

hello from Spokane, WA

Hello Class

I could not write before because I am in Spokane, Washington now and it was impossible to find internet, but I want to get a certificate and wrote eight stories on the blog, so I am very close to getting it (right Richard?)

I came to visit my friends here (Seth and Annie) and I am spending a long time here with them. They are Americans and I met them in Mexico. I have not seen them for four years.

Here it is very cold and this was the first time I ever saw snow. I was impressed when I got down from the airplane. The weather is very chancing and it is always cold. Some days it is sunny and another days is raining or snowing. My friends have taken me many places like the woods, downtown, the River etc. This city reminds me my city in Mexico. I really like it. It is a city surrounded by pine trees and mountains. I would like you all to see it.

Maybe soon I will go to the mountains and snowboard. That sounds exciting.

See you guys soon.

How are you doing Richard?



Papa said...

Hi, Alex,

Great to hear from you!

The certificate is in the mail.

Well, almost. Alberto has his ten essays posted. Alice is promising to post more soon.

Hope to hear from you soon. Are you still planning on returning to Oakland before the Christmas break?

Until then,

Alejandro said...

Yea I'll be back before Christmas, I'll be in class December 19.