Thursday, April 05, 2007

My April fools

Hello , my name is Ken. I'll tell about the April fools.
This year april fool'day I was very boring. because no bady tried to lie to me.
Farmerly I was in china on april fool'S day, my friends and I had done many
tricks to peoples,we made the tricks on girls,in high school we called the girls
at night to the place where it was dark,then we bought the false blood,we rubbed our
hands with the blood, later the girls came where we were,we gently touched their
face. they didn't know we rubbed the false blood on their face,then we led them
to a bright place,they saw their face,look like to the clown,we laughed and said April fool.


Richard Blum said...

Hi, Ken,

I didn't know that April Fools Day was celebrated in China.

It sounds like you had a lot of fun on that day!

Richard Blum said...

My April fools

Hello , my name is Ken. I'll tell about the April fools.
This year april fool'day I was very boring. because no bady tried to lie to me.
Farmerly I was in china on april fool'S day, my friends and I had done many
tricks to peoples,we made the tricks on girls,in high school we called the girls
at night to the place where it was dark,then we bought the false blood,we rubbed our
hands with the blood, later the girls came where we were,we gently touched their
face. they didn't know we rubbed the false blood on their face,then we led them
to a bright place,they saw their face,look like to the clown,we laughed and said April fool.