Thursday, April 03, 2008

Saying Good Buy!

Hi dears,

These last days have been so busy. I was involved with buying stuffs ordered and with souvenirs as well. I was also packing my things and using my imagination to find out which souvenir I should by for each member of my family, friends and students. It's been tiring what I've done lately.

I feel so sorry I couldn't go to the theater with you yesterday. I arrived home at 07:25 pm and realized that you had already gone. As I said, I was buying something. But today, before the afternoon class finished, I'll go to the school to say good buy to you. So, see you around 3:10 pm.

If you want to keep in touch with me, my e-mail and messenger is: Send me a message using "room 101" for me to know that you were my classmates. And if you are able to use the skype, my name in there is " brasildasgerais". Ok? Please use the same message " room 101" for me to accept you in both devices. Cris

PS: Teacher, the site I told you that it's really good to learn Spanish is: . All right? Thanks in advance for everything. Cris

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