Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Having Fun!
As I told you before, I am writing to you about my sightseeing in Lake Tahoe. I am sorry for just sending you my news today. The problem was that I got really busy yesterday and on Sunday I visited the wineries in Napa. Both places are beautiful. I had a wonderful time in each of them.
Lake Tahoe is beautiful and it is on the border of Nevada, so we went to the casino first and played a little there. After that, we went up to the hill by the ski lift, in order to see people skiing. My brother knows how to snowboard, but I do not. And I am too scared to do it, of course. I am totally a tropical woman. I just love the summer and the sun. But I had fun anyway. It was worthy to see the amazing view of Lake Tahoe, from the top of the mountain. The Lake is huge and marvelous.
My small trip to Napa was very nice too. The wineries we visited are extremely beautiful. We have the sensation that we are in France or in Europe as well. People who go there can taste wine until get drunk. I did not do that! I am a good woman. You know!
So folks, thanks a lot for sharing the good moments with me. Next weekend I am going to go to Alcatraz, to an amusement park and maybe to Napa again. I will see. I will write to you next week about my weekend. See you then. Bye, bye. Cris.
PS: If you want to learn foreign languages by internet, go to http://www.zapenglish.com on the bottom of the page you will see the options to learn chinese, spanish, french and so on.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Why are there so many idiots all around the world?
I’m going to tell you an African tale that I’m trying to sum up. This is pure fiction, of course.
There were fewer idiots before, than there are now. Because when one was found, he was just sent out of the village. Now if we want to do the same, half of the village will be deported, and maybe more. But how did things get worse?
Here is the story, one day two idiots sent out of their village for their stupidity, met in a crossroad, and decided to travel together, maybe at two they will be smarter. After a while, they stopped a front of a cabin, where an old man got out and asked them where they were going. The two men told the old man their whole story.
So, the old man decided to test them, as he got two stupid daughters himself. To the first he asked to fish for him, to the second he asked to braid some ropes.
Our fisherman got to the river, when his basket was full; he got thirsty, freed the fishes and went back to the village. When he told the old man the reason why he came back without the fishes, the old man was so angry and didn’t understand why the young man didn’t drink to the river.
During that time, the second idiot had braided a lot of ropes, and was ready to return home when he realized he didn’t have a rope to bind them. So he ran back to the village to search for one. The old man got angry once again, and asked him why he didn’t just take one of the ropes he just braided to bend the others.
The old man understood he couldn’t do anything with these two guys and decided to marry them with his daughters and sent them out of his village. The idiots and their wives built cabins and lived as they can. They got children as stupid as them, the cabins got multiplied, so did the idiots all around the world.
Let's go to the movies!
I agree!
Let's go to the movies on Wednesday, April 2.
Juno is playing at the Parkway at 7:00 pm.
Click here to learn a little more about Juno.
It is 2 for 1 night. Please join me for a night at the movies.
Oh, Samba, don't be late this time.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
My Favorite Hobby…
Alberto Ortega Servin
This story is true…
When I was live in Mexico so my favorite hobby is went to Movie Theater but I was going a Movie Theater every weekend because my life is alone for different reason: First reason is my Family because they said to the people that I will become in Mexico President so it is no truth because my family have different compromise with the politicians from Mexico but this gangs are very evil people because they are coming every day at United States with promise untrue but when people believe in this kind people then people get to false dream because Mexican people live in the United States so they think best job is in government. This situation is very difficult for me.
` Mexican people are coming for jobs every day but this people came of very poorly areas in Mexico and they have a level low of education, but this situation, so that politician have to knowledge abut it also where it is very easy to trick to the people live in United States. Also the people build their dream as they will become in politician this is their dream for Mexican people. The politicians always are trick a Mexican people and my dream will not become in politician.
Also now I see to movies on TV because my life is a little changed so now I pretend to go Movie Theater because need to see new histories in the Movie Theater so I always pretend to go to Movie Theater but I don’t have enough time to go to Movie Theater also it my favorite hobby but my life is very busy now before my life was very busy but now it is busier because I am studying English and looking for a job.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008

Hello teacher, hello guys.
This day I am very grateful to God, who has given me the benefit of another year to my baby Cesar. Besides that to me also has given me the opportunity to live another year.
I have many dreams to realize. And once more I see that God has given me an opportunity to make it reality.
My baby Cesar is turning 5 years old this Thursday and am preparing a surprise for hem. (Shh! Do not tell hem;)) I am going to buy a spider man cake and I bring to a school to share with his friends and he's gone to know how deep is my love for hem.There's nothing more beautiful to see his smile.
My husband and I are preparing a feast to celebrate his birthday, as well as to be double celebration, we are going to celebrate together the birthday of the two. He was the best gift of my life and also the best gift of my birthday. He was born March 20 of 2003 and my birthday is March 19, so, I'm trying to enjoy hem; every time, every day and every minute.

Of course you are invited! Come and celebrate with us, next Saturday March 29 at 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm will be the kid's party, after five pm we'll get the adults party,(bring some comfortable shoes)we'll to get a DJ. Please tell me if you want to go and see how many people will be there.
I'm very excited, Those who are mothers understand me very well, right? "Cesarino" is excited too, his counting the days... He wants spider man party, he deserves.
I love my baby Cesar, I Will never be tire of thanking God for this Blessing.
I thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my joy with you.
Well, I hope to see you there.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sightseeing in San Francisco
Dear teacher and classmates,
Today, on March 16th, my brother and I toured in
For sure, we took a ride on the cable car and saw the aquarium at the pier 39. Both things were amazing.
Although I came here for the first time in 2001, I did not have the opportunity to visit those places. But now, fortunately, I got it.
This vacation has been out of this world! So, I am very happy because of that and, of course, because I am getting to know all of you!
Next weekend, I am going to travel to
Then, next Sunday, I will write you about how it was there. So, see you on Monday. Bye, bye. Cristiane
P.S.: If you have the time, visit my homepage (a university subject), and this website that is very helpful for ESL students. Cris
Friday, March 14, 2008
Which is your rope? ...
Alberto Ortega Servin
People voice tell to you that a mountain climber, mountain climber was very desperately for he was conquer of the Aconcagua Mountain so he is beginning his crossing it, before one year of training, but he want to the glory for him only. Then that he was climbing without partners.
He is beginning to climbing and the night is starting and it is later but the night is very darkness and he didn’t ready for camping, but he decides to climb until he goes up of the top the mountain. It grew dark to him; the night fell very heave in the height mountain, there absolutely didn’t see anything. Everything was dark, zero visibility. There wasn’t moon and stars were covering for the clouds. He was climber for one cliff and he was an only 100 meters of the peak or the top mountain.
He was slipping and he was fall for airs. The man fall down was vertiginous speed, and then only he saw of the each mark again more obscure that obscure showed in the dark and he feel terrible also he was thought to kill for gravity him.
He is following to fall down and he was moment distressed and this moment and this moment pass for his mind all kind of the pansies but the pansies were well and worse in his life. He was thought that to go died but nevertheless.
Suddenly he felt a tug very strong then it is the strongest that man felt almost to cut in twice parts and he said “Yes” how all experienced claimer because he put of the stakes from safety with padlocks and once rope was very longer and it tied on his waist.
In this moment was very calm and tranquility also he was fell down in the air but only he could screaming and he said to help me so my God!
From suddenly once voice very strong and too deeply in the sky and it was answering him: what are you doing? My son and he said to save me! My God! Do you believe me that I could save you life? He was answering immediately so of course Lord. The God said to cut rope that it is supporting to you… there are one moment of silences and calm. The man was holding stronger a rope and he was reflection…
The rescue group told that other day they found the clamber and he is falling down in air and he died but man is catching with strongly of the cord, with his hands on the rope…
He was only two meters of the ground or of the soil. And you happen? How many do you trusted of your cord? Why don’t you loose it?
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
This is matter intelligence...
Alberto Ortega Servin
A woman and a man crush of front in their cars. But the hit was very strong, that both cars were destroyed completely. But it is incredible because they were suffering to hurt in this accident. Before the accident, they went out cars.
The woman “Said” it has so this is miracle…my Goodness there were two cars to destroy. She said to see to him, our cars but it is not left anything of them and they said miraculous our bodies had any a scratch. The woman follows to speaking…
This could be once signal of god and we could know and too we are friends and we live together in peace and we will make to love for rest our lives and to rest our days.
And the man answers:
Ooooh if I am agreed with you completely: This could be once signal of god.
The woman follows to talking about accident. She said, and you sight. Here! There is other miracle: My car is completely destroyed but this wine bottle it is not breaking.
The woman follows to speaking and she said it is sure that god wishes then we will drink this wine of bottle and we is celebrate our good lucky.
In that said she was giving wine of bottle the man; the man was shaking again his head in signal that he is agreed. He open and drinking the wine of bottle but he was drinking only half from the bottle and he come back the wine of bottle to the woman.
Woman caught the wine of bottle, but she was immediately to put of cork in the wine bottle and she come back to the men so he is ask question and you, my beloved. Do you drink from wine of bottle? Don’t you celebrate the miracle? And she is answering the man: No, I don’t. I am believe so it is better and I have been waiting for polices.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Hi, Classmates
I am from Brazil.
I teach English in my country. Please check out a project that I did at the university called UFMG.
It was a group project. I was responsible for Chapter 4. You can download it if you want.
See you in class.
Web cam...
How are you? I'm fine, but very busy, because I'm trying to organize my life, I'm doing many works and I'm looking for a better job. But I really want to see you!!! I'll call you tomorrow. Could you, please, send me your skype's address? I think I already have it but I'm not sure...So I hope I'll see you more than soon!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Don't try to forget me!
Yuhuuuuuuu?!? Do you remember me? I hope so! Here it's Alice from Italy...I arrived last Monday, after a looong, but safe travel and a very exciting trip around Mexico. I'm sorry (and very careful...), we could write just once and we couldn't pubblish the pictures. I will write as soon as I have more energy (the jet lag is killing me) about our trip and I'll send you pictures. Teacher,we couldn't go to the place near Puerto Escondido that you said. We had so few time and a lot of things to see! But we spent two days and a half in Zicatela and we fell in love with this place.We surfed too with a guy from my city (how small is the world!), but the waves were huge and it was scary!
So, how are you? I'm fine, a little confused, but fine. Of course, I miss you all! I saw the pictures from the party...I would like to call you at school with Skype and the web cam, so you won't forget my face...Maybe we can arrange an appointment.Let me know! You are always in my thoughts and in my heart
Monday, March 03, 2008
Hello, everyone!
My brothers always made comments about my weight. They made jokes, too. They began to call me "chubby." Sometimes people on the street looked at me very strangely and my friends reminded me how fat I was.
In January, 2007 I went to an appointment with my doctor and she gave me the results of my blood test. She commented that I had slightly high cholesterol.
In addition, my depression was making me eat more than I should. My lower back was always painful. The doctor told me that the pain in my low back was because my being overweight. She prescribed antidepressant pills and advised me to lose weight, start exercising and eat healthy or my problems would get worse!
This was one of the strongest reasons for my deciding to lose weight and to eat healthy.
Two months after that, I started on a protein diet. For the first two weeks, I only drank protein shakes and ate protein bars. Within two weeks, I noticed that inches were falling off my stomach and that my clothes I were looser.
Now I go to the gym 5 or 6 days at week. I swim 2 times a week, and my back problems are gone.
Before my diet, I weighed 170 lbs. I lost 31 lb in almost one year. Now I weight 139 lbsand still I have to lose 7 to 10lb more because that’s the perfect weight for my height.
My friends now ask me if I’m sick. They say that I look bad and I'm too skinny.
You know? I think it is envy. Don’t you agree? =)
The most important things are: I’m feeling better, and I enjoy eating healthy food; I’m stronger than a year ago and my depression is gone. Blessed be God!!!!
We can achieve our goals, I’m proof of that.
Check out the photos and tell me what do you think! ;)