This Picture is Lázaro Cárdenas del Río with Mexican natives, for more picture click Here

Alberto Ortega Servin
In El Tecuan, Michoacán, México
Traditional Clothes are making of cotton fabric, these clothes are one pant and shirt of the white color and these clothes is cheaper in Mexico.
During long time, farmers got dressed style of traditional clothes, because the landowner didn’t permit them to use jean. In this time only the landowner got dressed to jeans because they were rich in the town and cities.
The emigrated came towards the United States, they got dressed to wear jeans but when they back came to Mexico, they changed their jean for the style of traditional clothes, where the farmers change your clothe in big cities near their the smallest town. When they arrived from the United States towards their native towns.
My grandfather, grandfather and mother told me; about this situation also farmers didn’t wear jeans in their community only the landowner. The boss said far away of my town because you don’t understand, you couldn’t wear jeans in this town.
Sometime landowner sent to strike or hit to the farmers, when landowners saw to the farmers wear jeans. Now men and women wear jeans because now there are more freedom in Mexico.
Now the laws don’t allow these kind situations because the people are more modern, a lot people go to the school also many people are coming to the Unites States, where people know new cultures.
Before it was impossible because landowner was very strict with the farmer also the Catholic Church helps a landowner because my uncle Fidel Baez said that people went to confession with the bishops or priests. They were revelation the confession secret some times landowner was far away the people. In this time the life very difficult for the poor families in Mexico. Now there is more freedom in the life of the farmer because they are more independents their jobs also in the form to dress or to clothes.